We serve two delicious blends of coffee in our coffee houses. Our high street blend rivals the high street coffee chains and our Decaf blend has all the same taste, but none of the caffeine.
Relax with an coffee knowing that it tastes delicious and is Rainforest Alliance Certified, as standard. Our high-street blend of coffee is Rainforest certified, meaning that the coffee is ethically sourced and ecologically sustainable, preserving the natural resources and indigenous wildlife in the area where coffee beans are grown. It also ensures that the farmers who grow and workers who pick the coffee beans, earn a good living, have decent housing, healthcare, and schools.
With tasting notes of tangerine, honey, and almond, our Decaf blend delivers all the richness and depth you love, minus the caffeine.
Recyclable. Compostable. Sustainable.
Not only can our takeaway paper cups be recycled with paper or mixed recycling, but they can also be composted at home. Simply pop one into your home-compost bin and in a few weeks the cup will harmlessly biodegrade. Our cups, which are made from sustainably sourced cardboard, biodegrade at roughly the same rate as a sheet of paper. They're an excellent addition to your compost bin, helping to soak up excess moisture and aiding aeration.
But wait a minute, can’t all paper cups do the same thing?
Not all paper cups are created equal. This is why billions of paper cups go to landfill each year because almost all other paper cups, used by many corporate coffee chains, have a plastic lining. It’s this plastic lining which causes all manner of problems when recycling, unlike our TOAST cups which are recycled, or composed, very easily.
Nothing is wasted. Our used coffee grounds are turned into plant power as fertiliser that feeds and nourish the soil, enabling plants to grow and thrive.
We’ve teamed up with Artisan cut-flower grower The Floral Harvest who sustainably grows gorgeous flowers, foliage and botanicals for Weddings, celebrations, and all occasions, to recycle this often thrown-away resource into plant power. Instead of going to landfill, this unique and proactive collaboration ensures that our used coffee grounds never goes to waste, and are recycled.
Championing SUSTAINABLE.
We made ourselves a promise that if we’re going to all this effort with our takeaway cups and recycling our coffee grounds, that it shouldn't just be about recycling our cups, but everything! This is why promote sustainable wherever possible.
Bring your mug, flask, carton or container and we’ll create your drink straight in your receptacle of choice. And with an added benefit, we’ll give you a little discount off your drink too (20p).
Crafted in the UK and created for when you want to sit and savour your drink in store, you’ll find our new ceramic mugs in all our coffee houses. Simply ask in store and your drink will be served in a mug, cup, or glass that is suited and tailored to your beverage. The bijou espresso cups are our favourite!
Made from recycled plastic, our keep-cups can be used again and again, keeping your drink hot and toasty whilst on the go. Plus, use this cup in branch and we’ll give you 50p off your drink every single time.