Make Lunch An Occasion.

What are you looking forward to for lunch? A sandwich? Salad? Maybe a random pickled cucumber and that handful of tomatoes that you raided from the fridge this morning in a hurry?

Whatever you’re munching this luncheon, we’re on a (mini) campaign to transform lunchtime into an occasion. To turn it into a moment to be savoured and enjoyed rather than ignored- especially as the stats are staggering.

  • The average Brit spends just 15 minutes a day on their lunch (even if they have an hour-long lunch break)- and that includes prepping it and consuming it.

  • Over 60% of people tend to eat their lunch at their desk

  • And only 4% said they start their week with a treat lunch on Monday.

These statistics makes us feel, well, sad. 😢

The humble sandwich has become the nation’s go-to lunch, with soups and salads coming in close behind, but the food isn’t the problem. It’s the fun. Where’s the anticipation, the “I can’t wait for lunch” factor when we spent so little time actually enjoying it?

When did you last treat lunch as an occasion, rather than a tick box exercise?

Our mission has always been to create those moments that matter, to bring family, friends, colleagues, and communities together through our menu and branches where savouring is encouraged, whether that’s sitting to watch the steam rise from a cup of coffee, or to enjoy every indulgent bite of Red Velvet Cake.  

Fun is savouring every, last, bite and remember each mouthful.

So, today, if you do have a long lunchtime, instead of powering through it and scoffing your lunch in less than 900 seconds flat, try the complete opposite. Slow down and make it a moment to remember. Escape the screen and take time to recharge. Maybe even take your lunch outside, or venture to a park on a mini adventure (ooo, what will you discover?). 🙌

Let’s create those moments that matter, even if they’re the small ones. These are the moments that count the most.

Let’s make lunch an occasion, together.



P.S And if you do need something different for lunch, a break from the norm or the prospect of eating reheated fish curry from last night’s tea, you know where we are. 😉 Just saying…


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